Mental Health Series
These presentations explore the relationship between our thoughts, behaviors and the way we feel and experience our lives. Simple tips and exercises are provided in these fun and practical workshops.
- Dealing with Change
- Feeling Good
- Living Life to the Full
- Mental Health and Aging
- Positive thinking
- Stress Management
- Taking Care of Yourself
- Understanding Happiness
- Work-Life Balance
Understanding Mental Illnesses
These presentations will help clarify specific mental illnesses with the goal of educating, dispelling myths and reducing the stigma that surrounds mental illnesses. Presentations include:
- Beyond the Label
- Myths and Realities of Mental Illness
- Substance Use and Mental Health
Understanding :
- Schizophrenia
- Depression
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Postpartum Depression
- Youth Anxiety
- Depression in the Elderly