Winter Mood Walk 55+ (PR)

MoodWalks Winter24 Image EN

Mood Walks is designed to encourage and support the mental and physical health of participants through education, exposure to the healing effects of nature, participation in physical activity and engagement with their community.  Group activities such as the Mood Walks program can promote social interaction and provide opportunities for peer support.

Winter Themes Include:

Session #1: Get social (communication/into) winter season

Session #2: Mindfulness (5,4,3,2,1)

Session #3: Optimism (rose coloured glasses)

Session #4: Self-care (slow-down winter care activities)


LOCATION: Prescott-Russell Recreational Trail, Vankleek Hill Pavilion (meet at parking lot) - 5140 ON-34, Vankleek Hill

DATES: Every Wednesday starting February 14th ending March 6th 2024 (February 14-21-28 and March 6)

TIME: 9:30am - 10:30am

WHAT TO EXPECT: 30 minute walk outdoors (indoors if inclement weather) followed by a 30 minute discussion around the weekly theme.

**Following the walk,a FREE refreshment will be offered on site to participants.


4 Key Elements:

  1. Mental Health Education
  2. Physical Activity
  3. Social Connection
  4. Connection to Nature

Sponsored by CMHA - funded by the Government of Ontario

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Event Properties

Event Date 02-14-2024 9:30 am
Event End Date 03-06-2024 10:30 am
Registered 7
Cut off date 02-13-2024
Individual Price FREE
Location Vankleek Hill Pavilion

We are no longer accepting registration for this event